El Zagal Flood Wall, Fargo ND - Flood Control

Rapidly deployable aluminum stop logs from TK (Thyssenkrupp-Bautechnik) supplied by Prairie Supply, Inc and installed by Reiner Contracting are put to the test in Fargo ND. The system was erected in under 20 minutes, proving its effectiveness during a flood emergency. he city of Fargo is situated on the Red River, which often flooded existing flood protection systems and roads in the winter months. Climate change and resultant changes to flood protection targets made it necessary to upgrade all dikes and secure the road crossings. The main challenge for us was that this was our first project ever in the USA. So before we could enter the market we first had to convince the United States Corps of Army Engineers (USCAE) of the advantages of our system. Next we needed a license from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and acceptance under the Buy American Act. The whole process took around nine months, after which we could start work on implementation. The road crossings are now protected by demountable barriers produced by us. In El Zagal a roughly 20 meter long, 1.5 meter high demountable barrier is operated in the event of flood alerts. The whole system was made in Germany and shipped in containers to Chicago, where it was handed over to our customer.
- Location: Fargo , North Dakota
- Industry: Flood Control
- Completion: Oct 21, 2016
This floodwall is just south of the El Zagal golf course on Elm Street in Fargo. The project was constructed by Reiner contracting out of Hutchinson, MN for the Fargo Diversion authority. The 64’ wide road closure has 7 center posts and is 8 stop-logs tall or about 6 ft. These pictures are from the test assembly done by the contractor for the city employees and the engineers. Once the main flood wall was completed and the framework for the removable portion installed, the road closure section can be installed and removed in less than 15 minutes. This flood fighting technology eliminates the need for sand bagging, dike construction and other labor intensive and slow to assemble temporary flood fighting solutions.