TK2002 Waterproofing Coating
A single-component, non-breathable, liquid applied foundation coating for waterproofing below-grade concrete. This water-based, rubberized coating provides a continuous protective barrier against the penetration of water and chemicals. Available in Residential and Commercial formulations.
Suitable for interior use on residential below-grade poured concrete, CMU, precast foundation walls and insulated concrete forms (ICF).
PREPARATION: A clean, dry and frost free surface is required. Any dirt, oils, grease, debris or other contaminants must be removed. Any and all previous coatings must be removed prior to application of this product. New/”Green” Concrete and Damp Surface preparation - New concrete should be allowed to cure until the surface appears dry. For proper adhesion, any concrete walls or concrete blocks that have been placed late in the year should be allowed to gain sufficient strength prior to application.
EXISITING CONCRETE PREPERATION - All masonry block and poured concrete voids, form tie holes, cracks and honeycombed areas should be filled, repaired and footings properly cleaned. Mortar smears, dirt and form release agents that will negatively affect adhesion must be removed prior to application of this product.
APPLICATION: Apply in a uniform manner using a Graco 733/833 airless sprayer with a 0.037 tip (remove all filters from the spray unit and gun). Apply at approximately 50-55 square feet per gallon. Make certain to cover and fill any pinholes or seams. The wall may be back filled once the film is cured. No protection board is required for back filled depths of less than 9 feet, as long as the wall is carefully back filled with granular material that does not contain large and/or frozen chunks that will puncture the coating.
Features and Benefits
- Bridges cracks up to 1/16″ thick to provide a seamless and continual water and chemical barrier.
- Neutral coloring allows for application to either the exterior of the wall or the interior as a decorative coating with additional moisture/vapor retarding benefits.
Packaged in 250-gallon totes, 55-gallon drums and 5-gallon pails.